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Blog 9: Past Classes

After looking through the websites past classes have created, I have a better understanding as to how to format my own website. Most people posted their drafts as a blog post rather than putting a link to a word document, which is the opposite of what I was planning on doing. Lauren Coop (, who was a student summer of 2017, posted her drafts as blog posts but condensed the posts on her Project One tab into boxes so that you didn't have to scroll to the bottom to see all of the drafts. I like this approach because you can still add pictures to your drafts while still making it look neat. I also realized that for Project Three, most people added pictures of the posts/letters/blogs they sent out to prove that they actually did it. Some people just added the text without providing photo evidence, so we just have to trust that they actually sent/posted it. When I complete my Project Three, I plan on adding photo evidence as well as the text because sometimes screenshots will end up blurry. Most people kept it simple in terms of just adding links to word documents without adding pictures and providing a straight-forward, easy to navigate website. Pictures add personality to not only your website, but your projects which is important when you're writing about something you care deeply about (which is the case for this class). Looking at the websites past classes have created gave me a better idea of how I want to present my final portfolio and gave me some ideas on how to make it neat and easy to navigate.

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